Keep your egg collection and star earnings separate: play a level with the low flap count in mind and then go back and get the eggs with as many flaps as needed (or vice versa, getting the eggs off-screen and out of mind first). Eggs can be collected at any time and are a permanent unlock per level.

If you’ve become a Flappy Golf master and want to challenge yourself further, try to beat the gold star par on different levels. For instance, on Beach Land 5, the par is four flaps but the level can definitely be beat in three. Despite their difficulty, gold stars still sometimes allow room for error.
There are a few where falling off the bottom of the screen will count as an out-of-bounds, but most of the time you are free to flap to the edge and back. Most levels make the sides of the screen physical boundaries. Use the landscape and even sides of the map as brakes when necessary. Because of the momentum issue, stopping yourself in mid-air will sometimes require more flaps than simply running into a wall. Sometimes hitting a wall is faster than turning in mid-air.Always look for the least-vertical path when aiming for low flap counts. It will always be easier to travel across the map as opposed to up it. The one point we do want to reiterate is the importance of momentum in the Flappy Golf series: your ball requires a lot of coercion to get up off the ground, but once flying, can travel great distances on a single flap. We won’t repeat everything she’s already said, so for gameplay tips and strategies, head over to the link above. Nadia Oxford wrote a great guide for the original Flappy Golf: we recommend checking out her tips if you’re new to the series.

Flappy Golf 2 will be immediately recognizable to fans of the original: the gameplay, controls, and even obstacles are roughly the same, but in different arrangements of levels. Everything you learned in Flappy Golf still applies.

Gamezebo’s Flappy Golf 2 Tips, Cheats and Strategies will help you putt-flap like an eagle. Using your winged golf creature, your goal is to make it to the hole at the end of each level within a certain number of flaps. Flappy Golf 2 is the follow-up to Noodlecake’s mini-golf arcade game in which your ball has the power of flight.